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Disability Insurance Law Articles
We invite you to read articles we have published on disability insurance law.
Published Articles
Avoiding The Disability Claim ‘Brush-Off’ – What You Need To Know
The Law Office of Justin Frankel represents many fibromyalgia claimants who face special challenges when it comes to their disability claims. Fibromyalgia claims are red-flagged for investigation because, unlike illness or injuries that can be demonstrated through lab reports or radiology studies, fibromyalgia is considered a “subjective” condition that cannot be proven through clinical means. This article examines the typical pitfalls that fibromyalgia claimants need to be aware of.
Strategies For Navigating Disability Insurance Claims
This article examines disability claims from physicians and advises physicians on the difference between health insurance claims and disability claims. It looks at the basic information that physicians need to know about filing a claim as well as helping the physician gain a better understanding of their role in a patient’s disability insurance claim.
Disability Insurance Q&A – Attorney Team Answers Your Questions
Disability attorney Justin Frankel was pleased to co-authored several articles for the ProHealth website, which serves the fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and other chronic pain sufferers’ community. The article offers to answer questions from visitors to the site and offers a number of questions and answers about disability insurance claims.
As the cost of surveillance equipment continues to decrease, the amount of information that disability insurance companies can and do gather about claimants grows. It is not unusual for a vehicle that is parked several blocks from a claimant’s home to be positioned to record or live stream their activities. Even flying drones are being used today. What can a claimant do about this frightening level of surveillance? The article co-authored by disability attorneys Justin Frankel provides some insights into how claimants can protect themselves.
Justin Frankel co-authored this article about the specific challenges that chiropractors face when claiming disability insurance benefits.
When the Doctor is the Patient
This article examines an all-too-common occurrence- chiropractors who are accustomed to handling health insurance claims think that filing for disability benefits will be straightforward.
Basics on Handling a Long-Term Disability Insurance Claim
This article takes a close look into the common pitfalls that claimants encounter when applying for long-term disability benefits.
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Filing for Long Term Disability Insurance claims can be confusing. This helpful article explains the details involved.
Tactics Used By Disability Insurance Companies To Deny Claims
To protect their businesses and their shareholders, disability insurance companies have made it hard for the average person to file a claim and obtain the benefits that they signed up to receive. Learn about the tactics they use here.
Success in the Disability Wars
This article examines the special challenges faced by CFIDS claimants when applying for Long Term Disability Insurance benefits.
Long-Term Disability Insurance and the Physician Practice
Justin Frankel discusses the “dual occupation” issue in the claims practice, which is often used by disability insurance companies as a means of denying benefits.
Partial Disability – When You Can’t Manage a Full Workload
We prepared this article on Partial and Residual Disability to explore different options for claimants who can’t manage a full workload. In certain situations, obtaining Residual or Partial Disability Benefits compensates for a salary that has been decreased when the claimant cannot work full-time.
Surveillance by Insurance Companies Important information regarding surveillance tactics used by disability insurance companies.
What You Need to Know and Do Before Filing a Disability Claim
Educating your primary care physician is one of the important steps in preparing to file a disability insurance claim.
Filing a Claim for Disability Benefits – What You Need to Know
To learn more about filing a claim for disability benefits, read this article from Disabled World, which examines everything from filing a claim to what you can do if your claim is denied or terminated.
Delayed and Denied: When the Unexpected Happens – Part 1, Part 2
What happens when dentists face the need for a disability claim?
To be forewarned is to be forearmed – long-term disability insurance claims and chiropractors
How chiropractors can protect themselves and their families when preparing to file a claim for long-term disability insurance benefits.
How to Build and Maintain Client Loyalty During the Long-Term Disability Claims Process
The agent is often the first point of contact when a claim needs to be filed. Here’s how agents can help their clients as they move through the disability claims process.
Employers Affected By An Aging Boomer Population
How employers can prepare for an increasing number of disability claims among their employees.
How to Avoid the Disability-Claims Blues
The fundamentals of disability insurance claims, with an emphasis on chiropractors and their situations.
What You Need to Know About Filing A Claim for Disability Benefits
This article examines key points podiatrists need to know to file a claim for disability insurance benefits, including the policy itself, medical records, practice and financial records, own occupation vs. any occupation, Medical Examinations (IME and FCE), and Investigations and Surveillance.