Demyelinating Disease Disability Claims
Every nerve fiber in the brain, optic nerve, and spinal cord has a protective covering known as a myelin sheath. When something happens to the myelin sheath, nerve impulses slow or stop completely. This is referred to as demyelinating disease, and it causes a host of neurological problems. The most well-known demyelinating disease is known as MS, multiple sclerosis. In MS, the immune system attacks the myelin sheath or the cells that produce and maintain it. The inflammation and scarring damage the nerve fibers.
There are other types of demyelinating disease, including one that causes inflammation of the optic nerve in one or both eyes, inflammation and demyelination of the central nervous system, including the optic nerve and spinal cord, and inflammation of the brain and spinal cord.
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There are life-altering diseases and there are no cures for the diseases or their progression. Treatment focuses solely on minimizing the disease’s effects, easing pain and fatigue, and managing symptoms.
The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has a wealth of information on its website, plus information about local resources.
Demyelinating Disease
It is next to impossible to understand how a long-term disability insurance company could deny a claim for any demyelinating disease, but it does happen. Our office has represented individuals whose claims were made using all care and providing all the necessary information, but the claims were denied anyway.
If you have been denied disability insurance benefits for a demyelinating disease disability claim, contact our office today at 888-583-4959. We have represented claimants who are facing the same challenges as you, and we understand how frustrating and challenging it can be. Call today for a free consultation and learn how we can help.